Thursday, March 24, 2011

First Assignments

I am sorry this is so late. It took me a while to get into the Adobe and figure it all out. I did the first assignment and the ten pictures are posted on my fotothing...

It is the same fotothing name from my photography class... lrmattei

Let me know if you have a hard time finding me on the site.

:) I will be posting the second assignment soon as well!

I will be enjoying taking this class (even with the late start!)


1 comment:

  1. Okay good start Lindsay... the other part of the assignment is to ascribe one of 750 adjectives to each design from the master list linked in project 1 on the syllabus.

    Add the name under the box, not in it. Do this by increasing the "canvas size" Image>canvas size and then using the type tool to add the text.
